I went to Sunday's training camp practices and scrimmage, and the team looked very good. Most notably in my eyes were the improvements of Mark Stuart and Chuck Kobasew. Kobasew handled the puck very well during the scrimmage and Stuart really held his own against everybody. One very funny event took place in the 2nd half of hte scrimmage when Jeremy Reich went to bump Chara and was sent backwards. Reich tried to give Chara an off-balance shove but it didn't even phase the tallest player in the NHL.
Chiarelly just announced that he has
cut nine players from the trainig camp roster. Daryl Boyle, Reid Jorgensen, Jamison Orr, Chris Collins, and Mike Brown will attend the Providence camp though. The four others (whose names I will not type because they are quite difficult) will return to play for their respective junior league teams.
Also, some interesting headlines around the NHL are: Former Bruin Anson Carter has been
invited to and will attend the Edmonton Oilers training camp...And Buffalo and Pittsburgh will participate in the
first outdoor NHL game this January in Buffalo (at the Buffalo Bills NFL stadium)
And I must acknowledge this: The Patriots for the 2nd straight week demolished their opponents 38-14. First it was the Jets, the it was the Chargers. I know I shouldn't be saying this, but this team could really go undefeated. Tom Brady is playing so well now that he has wide recievers, and the Offensive and Defensive lines have been overpowering every single guy lined up in front of them.
Posted by President of Bruins Nation : 12:17 AM