The Boston Bruins last week decided that the website's new blogger would be John Bishop (instead of Ian Moran). You can find the blog at This new guy, John Bishop (I don't acutally know if he's new) is not off to the best of starts with the President of Bruins Nation.
Two days ago I sent him an email with a simple question and asked him to return the email by either posting a comment on this blog, or by emailing me back. The question was easy: How do you think the Bruins will do against the Canadiens this season? He hasn't given me an answer. I even wrote that I was the president of Bruins Nation. How could you not respond to the president. Anyway he actually is a good blogger and looks to be a huge Bruins fan. So John Bishop, I'm just messing with you.
In case anyone was wondering: I think the Bruins will win all Eight games against the Canadiens.
Posted by President of Bruins Nation : 2:57 PM